Monday 8 February 2016

Stuff I remember about Diabetes

In Year 11 we had to do an internal assessment about Diabetes.  This blog post is about the information I remember from that internal.  It is possible that the information in this blog post will not be 100% accurate.  But here we go anyway!

I remember that there are two types of Diabetes - Type 1 Diabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes.  Diabetes is a non communicable disease that affects the production of insulin and glucose within a person.  However, if a father or a mother have a kid, it is possible that their child will inherit it.  People who have type 1 diabetes are usually born with it, rather than acquiring it from environmental factors.  Getting type 2 diabetes is mostly due to environmental factors such as the food you eat.  Type 2 Diabetes sufferers are commonly from low income communities.  The tie between low income communities and Type 2 Diabetes is that foods high in fat and sugar are usually cheaper than healthier foods, and so with not much money, these people (from low income communities) are more likely to buy the junk food.  Junk foods that are high in sugar and fat are dangerous if ingested too many times because it throws off the balance of your glucose and insulin production.